

My daughter, Gabby, wrote a song at the end of last year called Changes her lyrics I feel are so appropriate today “ Oh Changes, making my way through the changes finding my way back to the sound of my own voice just me and me” 

I don’t even know where to start with Gabrielle’s beauty, her wisdom and our continued conversations on allowing our intuition to lead us through our daily decisions and our life's purpose(s).  We observe and honor intuition in our house. 

As a society I believe we don’t honor the capabilities our minds possess.There are so many external forces that we end up listening to or watching that really have nothing to do with us. We look up things on the internet to solve problems, we watch the news to hear all the (mostly) terrible things that are happening in our communities and our world, we turn to instagram and facebook to see mostly a fleeting moment of a perfect life that we then compare and base our lives off of. 

So where is the moment for turning inward?  Where did that go and when was it lost? Where did the internal ability of healing go? I believe we have lost the power and the focus to tell our bodies to heal. Or maybe someone told us we couldn’t?  And we believed them. Maybe we believed them because what we heard scared us. Words are powerful but our own minds are more powerful. This is the focus I crave my clients to observe, be it even for a fleeting moment. Each time I teach someone I hope they can feel their minds controlling their bodies. I hope to give them support and encourage those moments to stimulate their thinking that they HAVE CONTROL of themselves.

 My mother is a wonderful meditator and incredibly intuitive. She has willed herself through a cancer called sarcoma at the age of 21 (during 1956) . The doctors told her she would never raise her arm above her head, they had to completely remove her trapezius muscle to remove all of the sarcoma. A few years after all her radiation and chemo she not only raised her arm but swam, danced professionally, played tennis and lived her life moving her arms freely. Are you following me….. Maybe this is where the lineage of intuition came from and I was allowed to tap into mine at an early age because it was allowed. Not only did my mom meditate on this type of cancer but she did it again when she found out she had melanoma. Her mind power amazes me and even today as an 83 year young beauty she meditates and tells me “I had a conversation with that virus…. I honored it and told it that my body would not be able to host it’s little party and off they went”. Sometimes I chuckle at the thought of this craziness and then I close my eyes, breath and allow my inner voice to talk to me, just like she does.

Pilates is an amazing type of exercise and it honors the focused mind. I honor the spirit of it. The belief that we all can joyfully and mindfully move from within and trust ourselves. For me I crave the ability like I mentioned to help people connect to their minds and focus inward. Allowing all the externals of everyday life to leave for 55 min. I don’t really even get that much time out of them but the crazy thing is I have learned  to give my focused time to them for this amount of time. It took a while, as it was exercise and discipline on my end, to learn how to focus this long with my eyes. But the time that the mind is focused is wonderful to see and just like meditation when we stray from focusing on the breath we need a gentle reminder to come back to our breath or our movement and be one with ourselves “the sound of my own voice just me and me”

I love you Gabrielle for continuing to follow your intuition, your heart,  and your breath. You and Nana inspire me to do the same and when I do I know more than I realize.  

With love,

Stacey VArgas